作为总部位于纽约的国际航运和运输公司 Foremost Group 的董事长兼首席执行官,赵安吉在她所在的行业和整个商界都赢得了相当大的尊重。除了她的专业能力,Angela 还参与了 福茂基金会担任总裁.
Angela Chao 对国际关系领域有着浓厚的兴趣,重点是扩大美中关系。 Angela 在一个重视与出生地的联系的移民家庭中长大,能说流利的英语和普通话。她是外交关系委员会的成员,也是美中关系全国委员会青年领袖论坛的成员。 2021 年,她还被任命为 的联合主席亚裔美国人基金会顾问委员会.作为海事界受人尊敬的专业人士,她曾在波罗的海国际海事委员会 (BIMCO) 执行委员会、中国船舶工业集团公司董事会和中国国际贸易促进委员会任职。赵安吉还担任美国交通大学校友会名誉主席。

Graduating from Harvard College magna cum laude, Angela earned her economics degree in only three years. Following her studies, Angela worked at the investment bank Smith Barney in the Mergers and Acquisitions department, now a part of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney.
In hopes of expanding her knowledge and expertise, Angela returned to the world of academia, attending Harvard Business School. There she received her MBA. During the course of her studies, Angela co-authored a work titled ‘Ocean Carriers’. The paper examined the financial decision making process and analysis of a shipping firm faced with the question of whether to place orders for a new vessel. The insightful case study has since been included in the required curriculum for first year students at the Harvard Business School.
Angela Chao and her family have maintained close ties with Harvard College and University communities. In October 2012, the family gave a generous donation to Angela’s alma mater in the name of her mother, Ruth Mulan Chu Chao. Mrs. Chao, who passed away in in 2007, was a life long advocate of higher education. A significant proportion of the family’s gift has been designated for the purpose of constructing The Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center for the Executive Education program at the Harvard Business School. In addition, part of the philanthropic efforts will be directed towards helping deserving students open their horizons through the works of the Ruth Mulan Chu and James Si-Cheng Chao Family Fellowship Fund.
In 2001, Angela joined Foremost Group as a Vice President, focusing on ship management and operations. She later advanced to become Senior Vice President before being promoted to the position of Deputy Chair in 2009, in 2018 she was appointed Chair and C.E.O. of Foremost Group.
A resident of Austin, Texas, Angela Chao is a frequent speaker at events around the globe, attending conferences in North America, Asia, and Europe. Her lectures cover a wide range of subjects in the fields of corporate leadership, shipping and transportation, international finance, and education. Recognized for her important role in the advancement of women in the world of international business, she received an invitation in 2001 to become a Founding Member at the Wall Street Journal’s Task Force on Women in the Economy.
She plays active roles sitting on the boards of institutions including:
The Foremost Foundation
The Asian American Foundation (TAAF)
The Shanghai Mulan Education Foundation
American Bureau of Shipping Council
Harvard Business School’s Board of Dean’s Advisors
Massachusetts Maritime Academy’s International Maritime Business Department Advisory Board
Metropolitan Opera
The Chairman’s Council of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Honorary Chair of the Chiao-Tung University Alumni Association in America
Angela previously served on the boards of:
Lincoln Center Global China Advisory Council
Museum of Modern Art PS1
Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy
American Ballet Theatre Global Council
Independent Non-executive Director of the Bank of China