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Inaugural Asians in America Dinner to Honor Dr. James S.C. Chao

Mar 2, 2016

On March 17, 2016, the US-China Education Trust will host an inaugural ‘Asians in America’ awards dinner in Washington, D.C. The event will be an opportunity to bestow special honors on the award’s first two recipients, Dr. James S.C. Chao, Chairman and Founder of Foremost Group, and Mr. Madhavan Rangaswami, software executive and philanthropist.

The US-China Education Trust is funded by the FY Chang Foundation, and runs a number of initiatives designed to promote stronger ties between the US and China, including exchange programs to better prepare the next generation of American and Asian leaders.

The Trust believes that the tri-lateral relationship between the US, China and India is the key to an improved and stable global future. Through its inaugural dinner, organizers and sponsors hope to shift greater attention toward Asia’s emerging importance in the international arena. Its event will also provide an opportunity to highlight the accomplishments of Asian Americas, thereby inspiring the larger community of young Asians to reach high and fulfill their greatest potential.

The US-China Education Trust’s award to Dr. Chao is in recognition of his years of service in strengthening East-West relations, his accomplishments as the founder and Chairman of a large, international shipping company, his personal life-long commitment to philanthropy, and the vast contributions he has made to improving trade and cultural relations between the US and China.

The Asians in America dinner is also hosted by Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch, and its chairs are philanthropist and entrepreneur Mr Frank Islam, and the Honorable Elaine L. Chao.

The inaugural gala dinner comes right on the heels of another major Washington, D.C. event—the US Chiefs of Mission Conference, which will be attended by all of the United States ambassadors. This affords organizers the opportunity to extend special guest of honor invitations to the Chinese Ambassador to the US, His Excellency Cui Tiankai and the Indian Ambassador to the US, His Excellency Arun Singh.

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